The DLI E-bulletin aims to empower stakeholders in the disability sector about important and enabling developments in disability law and affirmative action.

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How Disability Commissioners protect entitlements

June 6, 2024. The Central and State Disabilities Commissioners are a first line of relief for people with disabilities to realize their rights and entitlements under the 2016 Disabilities Act. But some government departments and agencies regard the directions passed by the Commissioners as mere recommendations that they need not comply with.  In a recent […]

June 6, 2024

Hearing the hearing impaired in public places

December 7, 2023. Recently in September, the Indian Supreme Court made headlines by permitting a hearing-impaired lawyer to present her case in court with the help of a sign language interpreter. In another case involving hearing impaired litigants, the Delhi High Court directed its officials to ensure that court proceedings were accompanied by sign language […]

December 7, 2023

Two judgments that boost reasonable accommodation

26 July 2023. Two judgments this month give a resounding affirmation that specific measures must be undertaken by the authorities, recognizing the different needs of persons with disabilities, to pave the way for substantive equality for them. The two cases, presented by the Disability Law Initiative, were regarding particular accommodations sought by persons with disabilities. […]

July 26, 2023

Indian SC’s Vikash Kumar judgment allows dignity for the disabled: Harvard scholars

May 2, 2023. A little over two years ago, in the landmark case of Vikash Kumar vs. UPSC argued by the Disability Law Initiative, the Supreme Court of India expressed the necessity of providing reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities to compensate for their specific disabling condition. In reviewing the operation and impact of this […]

May 2, 2023

Disabled candidates selected on their own merit not to utilize quota: Govt.

April 18th, 2023 In a major development, the Central Government last month conceded before the Supreme Court that disabled candidates selected on their own merit in open competition along with other unreserved candidates will not be counted towards the 4% disability quota in public sector employment. This will result in more disabled candidates lower in […]

April 18, 2023